Who's On Top? and What's The Big Deal?
50 paintings in 50 days.
These 6"x6" small works were inspired by workplace dynamics, seen through eyes of the environment. After years of drawing "doodles" during meetings, small and large paintings, these small works materialized in several of my minibooks as "Meeting Notes." The way people speak to each other, behave one way in some environments and other ways in others, and underneath often holding resentments or fondness that is not spoken. These rocks shapes, defined by random juxtapositions, emerged from observing the fluidity of social positions and interactions people exhibit with themselves and others. Sometimes we seem to flow through time, status and relationships like rocks and pebbles tumbling in stream en route to something grand, while other times seeming to be falling, crashing, crumbling, or disintegrating. Casein on masonite panels, 6"x6.".